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Dennis Merril

An Interview with Dennis:

How long have you been reading?

"More than 45 years."

When did you get your first deck? 

"When I was 16 years old. I have choosen since then to really connect with the Voyager Deck to be able to read it quickly, intuitively and with great accuracy."

What was your biggest fear when you first started and sharing intuitive messages from Spirit? What helped you overcome that fear?

"I do not see tarot as a 'fortune teller'. I see tarot as a tool used for self awareness and entertainment. Think of it as an awareness tune up.  So there is no fear associated with what I do." 

What is the best advice you can give people coming for a reading? 

"Be open to the possibility of what is, not what might be in the future. I act as a guide who has had the privilege of being blessed with the gift of intuition. My clients can ask as many questions, or offer as much feedback about a reading as they like, or none at all. This is for you!  My clients can hold the cards, ask questions about what they see and I will answer them."

What to expect during a reading? 

"I do a 29 card spread and complete a reading in about thirty minutes. I begin with a 10­card Celtic Cross. Then we begin focusing on three main questions my client holds in their mind, they do not have to be articulated out loud to me. I then lay out three cards and review the first question, and so on and so forth with the next two 

questions. I then conclude the reading with another 10­card Celtic Cross. In addition to personal readings, I have done group readings as well. Good for couples, friends, covens and working partners. No one has ever walked away from my table feeling like their time or money was wasted." 

Any other tips for people coming to you for a reading?

"Have fun! There are only two questions I will not address in your reading. Firstly, no "Is my boy/girlfriend cheating on me" on who questions, and no questions regarding "will I die soon". 

I am not here to confirm or deny the future. I am here and committed to using tarot as a tool to help people build the lives they love."

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